it is so easy to give advice to friends or other people isn’t it? How often have we not done that. And the other person is responding completely in the opposite of what we had expected or does not appreciate our advice at all.
We can never force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive. But we must never underestimate the power of planting a seed. And it is very much the same with ourselves, with our bodies and minds. we often see and long for a different lifestyle but the path there seemsvery rocky or even impossible. I can’t do this or I can’t do that. I am not good enough or I lack this or that.
But it is the same with giving well meant advice to other as it is with wishing for changes within yourself. You can not hear something you are not energetically ready to hear or receive and you can very seldom make a huge quantum leap. You just simply can not get here from there. But what if you were to plant a seed. starting here and now. with yourself…
Who are you today? Who do you want to be tomorrow or a month or a year from now if you were free to dream. Plant a seed for yourself. Dream it. Taste it. Touch it. Feel it. Dare to dream here… Dream big or small. But dream and let your imagination flow and guide you
Start the Journey with yourself here and now.
Plant a seed.
Take that small step
Choose a positive thought
Go for a walk everyday in nature
Try meditating 15 minutes every day for 30 days. (there are excellent meditation apps like Headspace or free medis online on youtube)
Do a dreamboard/moodboard of beautful things you want in your life Get a book of positive aspects and try scripting/dreambuilding and focus wheeling like Abraham Hicks teaches. it has done miracles for me Do small healthy changes choices for yourself every day. and then suddenly one day your seed has taken root and grown and are ready to turn into a beautiful radiant flower..
And that beautiful flower will be you
I am currently reading the Gene Keys books by Richard Rudd and there is one sphere/Gene Key the 15th Gene Key of Florescence that I love so much and think fits so well into this. Florescence is true Grace. It can not be efforted or hurried. Florescence occurs when ever it feels like occuring. you can not make a flower bloom.. it blooms when it is ready.
And so will you
love and light Helena